Merit Fund AIFLNP V.C.I.C. Limited
Your trusted asset manager
Merit Fund AIFLNP V.C.I.C. Limited
Investments made easy

Who we are

MeritFund is an investment firm focused on Emerging Markets Debt and active Global Fixed Income High Yield strategies incorporated in Cyprus with an office in London. Our team aims to identify the most interesting, high-yield, and inclusive opportunities around the world through a solid and extensive research approach with a performance-driven investment style to achieve returns superior to benchmark indices. By taking advantage of our extensive asset management, research, and analytical capabilities, our goal is to provide equity-like returns with fixed income risk to our investors.

what we do

Manhattan modern architecture. Manhattan is the most densely populated of the five boroughs of New York City

Types of Investments We Engage In

Our investment strategy is developed in-house by our asset management teams. Our Investment objective is to achieve attractive returns through a combination of capital growth and income preservation. At any one time 90% of net assets of the fund are invested plus any levered amount used within the scope of investment purposes in sovereign or corporate debt securities of predominantly emerging market countries.


How We Stay on Top of the Market

Contributing to the development of the world is an important component of our portfolio. We offer financing solutions as a natural extension of our strategy.

We are dedicated to identifying and investing with top performing businesses and projects that demonstrate exceptional potential.

Merit Fixed income Fund seeks to foster the growth and development of successful female and minority leaders, including Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprises that typically do not have access to funding.


Our Value


More Than a Decade
Of Selected Strategy

The fund’s track record spans for a 12-month period but its investment team, however, accumulated a proven track record across managed accounts for over a decade, within MeritKapital.


Family Office Is One of The Major Fund Investors

We trust ourselves – this should be an additional motivational
factor for prospective investors.


High Quality

An exceptional client service constitutes a core value for
Merit Group. We always aim to become a trusted partner
of our clients, rather than viewing ourselves as a vendor.


Risk Management

We have developed our own risk mitigation tools and
embedded various risk management metrics to boost the
underlying functionality.



Our edge is driven by the “local” niche of the fund, not only through the local hires from the underlying regions of investment focus but also through the network of investment houses and EM funds established locally in Emerging Markets of focus.


Unique Investment Philosophy And Strategy

The fund’s investment philosophy encompasses key
principles to structure the investment process in a disciplinary manner.


Expertise in
Emerging Markets

We regularly win awards from international rating agencies.
Our team is formed from representatives from emerging
market countries, who have had a successful experience in
those markets.


A Long-Term Horizon

Our investment methodology takes a long-term approach, focusing on capital protection and consistent performance over time.

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